Basic information about the TSS
TSS ID: | hg_104673.1 |
Species: | human |
Chr: | chr10 |
TSS Classification: | yes |
| |
Start: | 35127295 |
End: | 35127306 |
Strand: | + |
TSS Score: | 1 |
Start of the center position in the TSS region: | 35127300 |
End of the center position in the TSS region: | 35127301 |
Gene and protein annotation
Transcript_name: | ENST00000489321.5 uc057ssp.1 |
Distance: | 118 |
GeneID: | 1390 |
HGNC/MGI_ID: | HGNC:2352 |
UniProt_ID: | Q03060 |
| |
Gene_name: | cAMP responsive element modulator |
Gene_symbol: | CREM |
Gene_synonyms: | hCREM-2 |
Gene_source: | HGNC:2352 |
Transcript annotation
Transcript_name: | ENST00000489321.5 uc057ssp.1 |
Distance: | 118 |
Num_trans: | 53 |
All_trans: | ENST00000489321.5:118 uc057ssp.1:118 ENST00000354759.7:-134 uc001iya.4:-134 D14825:-134 ENST00000496019.5:-140 uc057sso.1:-140 ENST00000427847.6:151 ENST00000374728.7:151 NM_183060:151 NM_181571:151 uc057ssq.1:151 uc001iyc.4:151 ENST00000345491.7:154 uc001iyb.4:154 BC041810:154 ENST00000487132.5:171 uc057ssr.1:171 ENST00000460270.5:-179 uc001ixz.4:-179 ENST00000469949.6:-194 uc057ssn.1:-194 ENST00000429130.7:-205 uc057ssm.1:-205 ENST00000495960.5:-233 uc057ssl.1:-233 ENST00000482633.5:-248 uc057ssk.1:-248 ENST00000466251.5:-307 uc057ssj.1:-307 BC017117:-319 ENST00000490460.5:-337 uc057ssi.1:-337 ENST00000461968.5:-348 uc057ssh.1:-348 ENST00000374726.7:-373 uc001ixx.4:-373 BC066342:-373 ENST00000489388.5:-390 uc057ssg.1:-390 ENST00000482646.5:-423 uc057ssf.1:-423 ENST00000496626.5:-455 NM_001267563:-455 NM_001267562:-455 NM_001881:-455 NM_183013:-455 NR_051975:-455 NR_051974:-455 NR_051973:-455 uc057sse.1:-455 ENST00000374721.7:-486 uc057ssd.1:-486 |
TATA-Box annotation
Distance to TSS: | -156 |
Nearest PromoterID: | NM_183060 |
Entrez ID: | 1390 |
Nearest Unigene: | Hs.200250 |
Nearest Refseq: | NM_001881 |
Nearest Ensembl: | ENSG00000095794 |
Gene Name: | cAMP responsive element modulator |
Gene Alias: | CREM-2 |
Gene Description: | cAMP responsive element modulator |
Gene Type: | protein-coding |
CpG%: | 0.14 |
GC%: | 0.79602 |
TATA-Box(TBP)/Promoter/Homer Distance From TSS(sequence,strand,conservation): | |