From referenceTSS
Relatad TSS IDs
Hg 19888.1 |
Hg 19889.1 |
Basic information
GeneID: | 100128590 |
Species: | human |
Gene name: | SLC8A1 antisense RNA 1 |
Gene symbol: | SLC8A1-AS1 |
Gene synonyms: | |
Gene type: | ncRNA |
Old GeneIDs: |
Links to external databases
HGNC/MGI_ID: | HGNC:44102 |
Ensembl: | Ensembl:ENSG00000227028 |
Vega: | |
HPRD: | |
miRBase: | |
MIM: |
Gencode transcripts: | ENST00000599740.1 ENST00000628471.2 ENST00000631142.2 ENST00000627210.2 ENST00000631330.2 ENST00000627538.2 ENST00000630783.2 ENST00000626098.2 ENST00000630006.2 ENST00000418854.1 ENST00000439606.5 ENST00000629157.2 ENST00000599268.5 ENST00000597385.5 ENST00000625234.2 ENST00000631204.2 ENST00000629180.2 ENST00000625324.2 ENST00000627108.2 ENST00000601679.5 ENST00000627219.2 ENST00000593878.5 ENST00000596532.5 ENST00000599956.5 ENST00000597170.5 ENST00000629329.2 ENST00000631137.2 ENST00000625381.2 ENST00000631022.1 ENST00000444629.5 ENST00000610721.1 ENST00000598247.5 ENST00000593848.5 ENST00000435515.5 ENST00000625780.2 ENST00000620276.3 ENST00000611583.2 ENST00000427354.5 ENST00000413479.5 ENST00000619351.1 ENST00000417875.1 |
RefSeq transcripts: | NR_038441 |
UCSC genes: | uc061imi.1 uc061imj.1 uc061imk.1 uc061iml.1 uc061imm.1 uc061imn.1 uc061imo.1 uc061imp.1 uc061imq.1 uc061imr.1 uc061ims.1 uc061imt.1 uc061imu.1 uc061imv.1 uc061imw.1 uc061imx.1 uc061imy.1 uc061imz.1 uc061ina.1 uc061inb.1 uc061inc.1 uc061ind.1 uc061ine.1 uc061inf.1 uc061ing.1 uc061inh.1 uc061ini.1 uc061inj.1 uc061ink.1 uc061inl.1 uc061inn.1 uc061inp.1 uc061inq.1 uc061ins.1 uc061inv.1 uc061inw.1 uc061inx.1 uc061iny.1 uc061inz.1 uc061ioa.1 |
Other_mRNAs: | BC043380 |
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