From referenceTSS
Relatad TSS IDs
Basic information
GeneID: | 1390 |
Species: | human |
Gene name: | cAMP responsive element modulator |
Gene symbol: | CREM |
Gene synonyms: | CREM-2 ICER hCREM-2 |
Gene type: | protein-coding |
Old GeneIDs: |
Links to external databases
HGNC/MGI_ID: | HGNC:2352 |
Ensembl: | Ensembl:ENSG00000095794 |
Vega: | Vega:OTTHUMG00000017953 |
HPRD: | HPRD:00444 |
miRBase: | |
MIM: | MIM:123812 |
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