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Property:Transcript name

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The type of this property is string

Showing 20 pages using this property.
ENST00000470819.2  +
ENST00000494262.5  +
NM_001363763.2  +
LF355647 MA591224  +
ENST00000608083.5 ENST00000377860.8 ENST00000418124.5 D88894 AB074415 AB074416  +
LF355648 MA591225  +
ENST00000380142.5 AF004819 U17075  +
ENST00000276925.7  +
ENST00000664493.1  +
U91316 AK300831 AK289572  +
ENST00000664493.1  +
LF355681 MA591258  +
ENST00000440102.1  +
U91316 AK300831  +
LF355708 MA591285  +
LF355718 MA591295  +
NM_001385704.1 NM_001351459.2 NM_001351465.2 NM_001351471.2 NM_001351476.2 NM_001171197.2 NM_001385702.1 NM_001385703.1  +
BC035004  +
ENST00000544538.5 BC042393  +
AB209294  +