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Property:Transcript name

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The type of this property is string

Showing 20 pages using this property.
ENST00000493581.1 ENST00000297991.6 ENST00000643650.1 AK095363 AK292208 AK315760 AK303206  +
ENST00000493581.1 ENST00000643650.1 AK095363  +
ENST00000493581.1 ENST00000643650.1 AK095363  +
AF361081 BC030139 AF361079 AF361080  +
ENST00000297990.9 ENST00000464829.5 AK026258 AK293969 BC020450  +
NR_003667.3  +
ENST00000377728.8  +
ENST00000454429.2  +
ENST00000379238.7 ENST00000629575.2 ENST00000459988.1 AK302754 AK303493 AK299183 AK294952 CR933678  +
NM_001370059.2  +
AK292935  +
ENST00000377728.8  +
BC063823  +
ENST00000361264.9 BC063823 AB067479 DQ518909  +
ENST00000361264.9  +
ENST00000372214.3  +
AK310014  +
CU687034  +
BC070098  +
ENST00000297625.8  +