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Property:Transcript name

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The type of this property is string

Showing 20 pages using this property.
LF355387 MA590964  +
ENST00000507993.5 AK301427  +
ENST00000507993.5 AK301427  +
NM_001168342.2  +
LF355431 MA591008  +
KJ905020  +
ENST00000506891.1 BC070139  +
ENST00000506891.1 AK298581 AK301185 BC070139  +
ENST00000481862.1  +
ENST00000495873.1  +
AF098483  +
ENST00000397519.6 ENST00000487363.5  +
NM_021144.4  +
ENST00000463712.6  +
ENST00000380733.9 AF432220 BC064135 BC013160  +
LF383877 MA619454  +
LF383877 MA619454  +
ENST00000432137.1  +
LF355472 MA591049  +
ENST00000375415.5  +