From referenceTSS
refTSS: reference transcription start site
The refTSS is an annotated reference dataset for transcriptional start sites (TSS) in human and mouse. The dataset is generated by collecting, reprocessing and assembling various public resources.
Data files
The raw refTSS data files are available at the data download page.
UCSC genome browser Track Hubs
1- refTSS UCSC Genome Browser public track hub description pages
If you have any questions or comments, please contact to reftss-help<at>riken.jp . ("<at>" should be replaced with "@")
Release notes
Please cite refTSS as:
Abugessaisa, I., Noguchi S, Hasegawa A, Kondo A, Kawaji H, Carninci P, Kasukawa T. (2019). "refTSS: A Reference Data Set for Human and Mouse Transcription Start Sites." J Mol Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.04.045.