Basic information about the TSS
TSS ID: | hg_105620.1 |
Species: | human |
Chr: | chr10 |
TSS Classification: | yes |
| |
Start: | 75210621 |
End: | 75210630 |
Strand: | + |
TSS Score: | 1 |
Start of the center position in the TSS region: | |
End of the center position in the TSS region: | |
Gene and protein annotation
Transcript_name: | ENST00000344036.8 uc057ugb.1 |
Distance: | 15 |
GeneID: | 7417 |
HGNC/MGI_ID: | HGNC:12672 |
UniProt_ID: | Q5JSD2 |
| |
Gene_name: | voltage dependent anion channel 2 |
Gene_symbol: | VDAC2 |
Gene_synonyms: | |
Gene_source: | HGNC:12672 |
Transcript annotation
Transcript_name: | ENST00000344036.8 uc057ugb.1 |
Distance: | 15 |
Num_trans: | 34 |
All_trans: | ENST00000344036.8:15 uc057ugb.1:15 NM_003375:-80 NM_001184783:-80 NR_033675:-80 ENST00000332211.10:121 uc001jwz.5:121 ENST00000472137.5:145 uc057ugc.1:145 ENST00000470745.5:174 uc057ugd.1:174 BC000165:175 ENST00000475142.5:183 uc057uge.1:183 ENST00000481876.5:184 uc057ugf.1:184 BC072407:185 AK315919:199 AK296635:205 BC012883:217 ENST00000313132.8:218 uc001jxa.5:218 L08666:218 ENST00000498394.5:226 uc057ugg.1:226 ENST00000468285.1:234 uc057ugh.1:234 ENST00000447677.5:404 uc057ugi.1:404 ENST00000298468.9:-468 ENST00000543351.5:-468 NM_001184823:-468 uc057uga.1:-468 uc021ptp.3:-468 |
TATA-Box annotation
Distance to TSS: | 472 |
Nearest PromoterID: | NM_001324087 |
Entrez ID: | 7417 |
Nearest Unigene: | Hs.355927 |
Nearest Refseq: | NM_003375 |
Nearest Ensembl: | ENSG00000165637 |
Gene Name: | voltage dependent anion channel 2 |
Gene Alias: | POR |
Gene Description: | voltage dependent anion channel 2 |
Gene Type: | protein-coding |
CpG%: | 0.085 |
GC%: | 0.721393 |
TATA-Box(TBP)/Promoter/Homer Distance From TSS(sequence,strand,conservation): | |