Basic information about the TSS
TSS ID: | hg_162326.1 |
Species: | human |
Chr: | chr17 |
TSS Classification: | yes |
| |
Start: | 67044461 |
End: | 67044466 |
Strand: | + |
TSS Score: | 1 |
Start of the center position in the TSS region: | |
End of the center position in the TSS region: | |
Gene and protein annotation
Transcript_name: | NM_000727 |
Distance: | 70 |
GeneID: | 786 |
HGNC/MGI_ID: | HGNC:1405 |
UniProt_ID: | Q06432 |
| |
Gene_name: | calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 1 |
Gene_symbol: | CACNG1 |
Gene_synonyms: | |
Gene_source: | HGNC:1405 |
Transcript annotation
Transcript_name: | NM_000727 |
Distance: | 70 |
Num_trans: | 11 |
All_trans: | NM_000727:70 ENST00000226021.4:124 uc002jfu.4:124 L07738:124 AK313852:133 BC113492:135 BC113486:135 BC069493:147 HQ258641:191 KJ890809:191 KJ896532:191 |
TATA-Box annotation
Distance to TSS: | -72 |
Nearest PromoterID: | NM_000727 |
Entrez ID: | 786 |
Nearest Unigene: | Hs.147989 |
Nearest Refseq: | NM_000727 |
Nearest Ensembl: | ENSG00000108878 |
Gene Name: | calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 1 |
Gene Alias: | CACNLG |
Gene Description: | calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 1 |
Gene Type: | protein-coding |
CpG%: | 0.045 |
GC%: | 0.646766 |
TATA-Box(TBP)/Promoter/Homer Distance From TSS(sequence,strand,conservation): | "-32(GCATTAATAGCA,+,0.00)" |