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     <li>A6. In refTSS’ UCSC configuration of the bigBed 6 tracks, we set the option:
     <li>A6. In refTSS’ UCSC configuration of the bigBed 6 tracks, we set the option:
colorByStrand 255,0,0 0,0,255
<pre>colorByStrand 255,0,0 0,0,255</pre>
This setting enables to show alignments on the reverse strand colored in dark red, whereas alignments on the forward strand are colored in dark blue. Again, in refTSS UCSC configuration of the bigBed 6 tracks, we set the option:
This setting enables to show alignments on the reverse strand colored in dark red, whereas alignments on the forward strand are colored in dark blue. Again, in refTSS UCSC configuration of the bigBed 6 tracks, we set the option:
  exonArrows on
<pre>exonArrows on
exonArrowsDense on
exonArrowsDense on</pre>
   The above options enable us to show the Exon arrows in white heads within the TSS.</li>
   The above options enable us to show the Exon arrows in white heads within the TSS.</li>
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   <input type="checkbox" id="q7">
   <input type="checkbox" id="q7">
     <li>A7. In the current release of refTSS we only provide BED and TEXT formats, but not bigWig files. We are planning to offer this in a future release. However, the BED files from refTSS can be used to generate bigwig file format using several UCSC tools (*<a href=""></a>) that supports this kind of conversion.</li>
     <li>A7. In the current release of refTSS we only provide BED and TEXT formats, but not bigWig files. We are planning to offer this in a future release. However, the BED files from refTSS can be used to generate bigwig file format using several UCSC tools (<a href=""></a>) that supports this kind of conversion.</li>
   <label for="q8">Q8. Could you point me to the direction of the bed files containing TSS peak-score info, or the raw data?</label>
   <label for="q8">Q8. Could you point me to the direction of the bed files containing TSS peak-score info, or the raw data?</label>

Revision as of 20:10, 18 June 2021

List of questions sent to refTSS help desk and answers from refTSS team
Between 27th January 2019- 16th June 16, 2021